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Second, examine the primer of the shell. Older guns can be more difficult to find ammunition for. Shotgun shells last on average 10 years. Had an old guy sell me some old shotgun shells that has been in his barn for years. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Collectors Advice Please Reply, Thanks, Fred . Are all brass shot shells worth anything? | Survivalist Forum I'm a shotshell collector but I agree that these are 'collectable' in that at least the boxes are long out of print. All rights reserved. One thing that caught my attention was old boxes of paper shotgun shells. That way I don't get taken. Now, these long, obsolete shells make great collectors items that can increase in price and become a small investment. Fox News announced in an abrupt statement it will "part ways" with longtime host Tucker Carlson, seen by many as the face of the network's brand. For years, Travis has written about the best rifles, guns, and other developments in the firearms industry. For collectors of vintage hunting shells, hunting is only half the fun if you do not bring a vintage shell box with you. 50-caliber round. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. are old shotgun shells shotgun shells task1 Mill Creek Wa Messages 413 Reactions 446 Oct 6, 2021 #1 I was given a box full of old shotgun shells are they worth anything or should I just load em up and shoot them. Robin Hood, USC, and Union Metallic Cartridge are well-known ammunition producers that marketed vintage shotgun shell boxes for sale exclusively under their brand. If youre not sure whether your old shotgun shells are worth anything, your best bet is to check with a local gun shop or pawn shop. Most manufacturers advise against using shotgun shells after 10 years because of this reason. These 9 Vintage Guns Are Worth Way More Than You Think Arms Collectors of Southwest Washington (ACSWW) Gun Show, Golf Clubs with bags, 5 sets of irons, 3 @ +1", 2 @ regular length, Wanted; Charter Arms Explorer II / Explorer 2. I'm actually going to a gun show today. Finally, perhaps the most valuable type of shotgun shell is the 1-gauge. I have 12, 20 and 410 gauge shotgun shells that are over 40 years old, full boxes 25 per box and boxes and shells are in (MINT) condition. Older shells will have a small hole in the center of the primer, while newer shells will have a large hole. If its been in hot or humid conditions, its probably risky to use it after around 5 years. Cartridges filled with shotare the most common type of shotgun ammo. Are old paper shotgun shells worth anything? : r/guns By the way, if you want to learn the best shotgun sight for hunting, click on our article here. You should, however, only use old rounds for practice shooting; never rely on them for hunting, self-defense, or competition shooting. The risks of shooting unknown reloads are simply not worth the benefit of saving a little money. His expertise in working with different customer-bases helps Travis understand various needs people may have and offer insightful recommendations.