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When designing units, choose the media first, then the standards (yes, this likely goes against what you were taughtbut give it a try). Language-based Approach Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture is an innovative journal that aims to build and sustain a vibrant discourse around teaching in English studies. FAQ When you approach any book as a class, it's always worth making sure that students are at least able to identify what happened in any passage before exploring the text at a deeper level. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Try looking at the different treatments of the American Dream in A Raisin in the Sun and The Great Gatsby or examining coming-of-age themes in The Glass Castle and To Kill a Mockingbird. Have students create and produce an ongoing podcast or YouTube channel on, as above, relevant themes, authors, texts, etc. For example, a feminist critic might look at a book and examine the way female characters are portrayed. Your help is appreciated. Presidential Theme for the 2024 Convention, Access Guidelines for MLA Convention Session Organizers and Presenters, Policies for Forums and Allied Organizations, Procedures for Organizing Convention Meetings, Appropriate Conduct at the MLA Annual Convention, 2022 Forum Executive Committee Appointees, A Video from Paula Krebs about Humanities Successes, Conferences, Fellowships, and Announcements, Approaches to Teaching Baudelaires Prose Poems, Course, Bulk, and International Book Orders, Editor: A type of approach - emphasizes awareness of literature - basic, foundational stage - teacher introduces and clarifies vocabulary - teacher prepares classroom procedures Paraphrastic Approach A type of approach - paraphrasing and rewording text to simpler language Information Based Approach A type of approach See Inventive Ways to Teach Literature - SE Music, video streams, short videos (like TikTok), video games, plays, poems, film, posters, poems, essays, novels, podcasts, etc. By using these models, you can help classes progress from a rudimentary understanding of the basic language being used all the way up to synthesizing multiple sources and developing their own original analysis of the text. 8. 0 If you're looking for ways to tie together a variety of approaches in a way that support different learning objectives, Bloom's model will help. Contact us Part 2, Approaches, presents strategies for teaching the literary, contextual, and philosophical dimensions of the novel.