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Following the exam, your child will receive three standardised scores, one for English, one for Mathematics, and one total score including Reasoning. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. What Grades Do You Need To Get Into University Of Kent? Children and their parents can also appeal to a school named on their application that didn't offer them a place. Kent School Appeals Any letters or reports that you wish the panel to see should be uploaded at this time. We recommend you still accept the place your child has been offered. Welcome to the Barton Court Grammar School website The timetable for 'In Year' appealsis as follows: Last day for lodging appeal forms: You must lodge the appeal form within 20 school days upon receipt of your letter of refusal. Essential Information (Medway Grammar Schools) || Grammar Schools in Maidstone is the largest. Booklet Link. Paperwork submitted with your appeal form does not need to include 5 copies. You MUST state the reasons for your appeal on the online form and supply any documentary evidence at this stage e.g. Kent grammars use a demanding 11+ assessment to target pupils that are in the top 25% of the ability range. These should be sent to PO BOX 367, Cuffley, Herts, EN6 4XZ. If you wish to apply to Wilmington Grammar School for Boys 2023 entry you will need to have registered and sat the Kent Test (Kent procedure for entrance to secondary schools age 11 assessment tests PESE). Kent Grammar Schools 11 Plus (11+) Exam Information - Exam Papers Plus Appeals are held within 30 school days of receipt of the appeal form. Appeal decisions released this summer will be sent out in writing, says the authority, insisting that it won't be able to tell families over the phone if they have been successful or not. They are independent of the school, trust and local authority. Multiple choice 2. This MAY be emailed. PDF A Guide for Parents - Kent County Council