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The required Visual C++ version is specified in each VMware Tools release notes. For more information on the install/update/upgrade process see the VMware Tools documentation or also the VMware KB 2004754 old but still valuable. Anyone who knows please let me know. I checked this box: VMWare workstation console tools into system path Some ISOs are included and depending on the guest OS one of them will be used: Note that since the release of VMware Tools 10.1 (on 2015) only a subset of guest OSes is included in the built-in version, removing some legacy or uncommon OSes. Need more localized VM capabilities? First of all, which version should I choose? On the host, from the Workstation Pro menu bar, select VM > Install VMware Tools. This article provides steps to install VMware Tools in VMware Player. Launch a console window to the VM, look for VMware tools in programs and features, and uninstall it, then reboot. In the case of a vSphere environment, I suggest to first update the built-in version using the offline VIB package (or use the centralized repository) as described before. Support ATA Learning with ATA Guidebook PDF eBooks available offline and with no ads! In this tutorial, youll learn about what VMRC is, how to install it on supported platforms, and ultimately how to use it to connect and manage virtual machines on remote hosts. Youll notice there are switches and parameters following the setup filename. Refer to the VMware Compatibility Guide for more detailed information. You should see hgfs listed there, if you can't see hgfs then type. PDF Installing and Configuring VMware Tools - vSphere This is very important in the built-in version. Click Open. You just have to disable the VM network adapter in Network and Sharing -> Adapter Settings This should fix it. How to Install guest OS from ISO images in VMware Workstation (1002) VMware Tools Version Status is the field that reports the build number of the VMware Tools installed in your guest OSes: Note that you can also export the entire table in different formats, including the CSV format (that is the easiest way to import in a spreadsheet).