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[Select from Contacts] - Your device's Contacts will appear, giving you the ability to select a contact and then the contact's email address (if stored in your device). Why aren't my tickets showing up in the MLB Ballpark app?After you've confirmed that the tickets were purchased with an email address that is verified on the My MLB Account Emails page (accessible by tapping the Profile icon in the top left hand corner of the Home Tab and then tapping My MLB Account Emails) and that your Athletics ticket account is displaying on the Ticket Accounts page, you may need to refresh your Tickets tabs Wallet by pulling down on the screen to see updated ticket inventory. 5 Can I transfer tickets on the Ballpark app? This webpage is accessible only from the ticket forward email sent to the recipient. You can also search for the phrases sent you tickets, forwarded you or for an email from 2. For information on facility availability and rental rates, contact Cara Lynn or Meghan Davis at (770) 528-8875. stream The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Purchase tickets wirelessly, anytime, anywhere on your mobile device. x]K0e+_)l""^mo;nLEPrwr'j-,7=sF ADR)x!gg(8+G3jI[0*)0Xd"w9"OA${:6; R%gr![j&gQG|%Fmi40_s6(?+W-LMFR#^k}mP0UljB+Ht1vkL6*U7z!1/Odit7y . Please make sure you download and transfer to each member of your party their individual ticket via mobile smartphone, prior to arriving at Yankee Stadium. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Check your inbox. If you have any questions, please contact A's Ticket Services at or 510-568-5600. If you are having trouble locating or accessing your ticket account, please contact A's Ticket Services at [emailprotected] or 510-568-5600. If someone sends tickets to my SeatGeek account, how do I accept them? By simply verifying your email, Ballpark will automatically accept any forwards that were in progress to that email. This will enable you to select the ticket(s) you wish to forward. Youll be asked to log in with your MLB account. Please only share this link with one person to whom you are forwarding your ticket. What if the email address where I received the ticket forward is not the same as the email address associated with my MLB account?The email address at which you received your tickets does not need to match the email address associated with your MLB account, but you will be required to click the link in the email where the ticket was forwarded to. If I contact Ticket Services, can they forward tickets via the MLB Ballpark app on my behalf?No. Yes Do I need an MLB account to use the MLB Ballpark app?Yes. The sender taps on the "forward history" icon in the top right of the screen (it looks like a ticket with an arrow). What are the benefits of using the MLB Ballpark app?Accessing your tickets in the app helps prevent lost or stolen tickets, makes it easy to share tickets with friends, and provides up-to-date game time information. If there is not an Athletics ticket account listed, and you're certain that the email address you have verified in MLB Account is correct then please contact A's Ticket Services at [emailprotected] or 510-568-5600. Why won't my ticket barcode scan?If your screen brightness is too low, the barcode may have difficulty being scanned. 0000019848 00000 n (Alternatively, the sender can tap on the ticket row and launch the Scan View.