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(10,323 sq. These provide approximately 9 square inches of net clearance per foot of stroke. Connector clips included. Together they help remove any built-up heat and moisture inside (9,678 sq. Our continuous vent is extremely versatile, with various widths and flange options for your particular job. You authorize GAF to disclose the information you have provided to your selected contractors. WebOur vinyl soffits provide the air intake needed for proper air flow in attics, and for controlled temperatures indoors. mm) of free air flow per linear ft. 4" (102 mm) vent area. Continuous Soffit - 3300, 3" Vented Area, 8' Length, 10 Pieces per Box, PVC. Continuous Soffit Vent Continuous 3 Inch Soffit Vent Custom Access Doors and Panels are always available! We currently sell: Access doors by Karp Associates, Inc., Acudor Products, Inc., JL Industries and Maxam Metal Products. Continuous Vents sq.in/foot air flow delivers almost 4x the air flow of the typical 5.0 sq.in vented soffit panel in less space while not allowing bees to enter. Connector clips included. Continuous Soffit Vent mm) air flow/linear ft. 6" (152 mm) vent area; 18 sq. We offer LEED certified construction products and free shipping on qualifying orders. Found in: Exterior Finishing > Vents Application (s): Stucco Description Resources Submittals Continuous three-piece soffit vent for stucco and plaster. mm) air flow/linear ft. 10' (3 m) lengths Connector clips included. Continuous Soffit Vents Mainly made of plastic or aluminum, these vents are installed in your soffit or attic regions of the home. Used on soffits where 3/8" (10 mm) sheathing is being used. WebPRODUCT: Hat Shaped Continuous Soffit Vent. Continuous Soffit Vent clips are provided to connect the soffit vents and to assist in alignment. WebContinuous soffit vents are the most commonly demanded and used vents from our concerns. Connector clips included. Choose a GAF Factory-Certified Roofing Contractor. Soffit ITEM ID: SV148, SV5168, SV388, SV7168, SV128, SV348, SV143, SV51638, SV5838, SV144, SV51648.