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And the Lord added yet another friend to the prayer time each Friday. I thank God, for now I can hear the Holy Spirit speak to me and direct my steps. I am on day 19 of a 21. HEALING Clara Yeo (AZ, N408) My dad suffered a stroke and half of his body was paralyzed. The best is yet to come! Im doing Bible study every night. I definitely was convicted that night to start the fast. Amidst seven months of grief and heartache, I fasted and held onto the hem of His garment. Im certain that the Daniel Fast will continue to be a part of my journey at the beginning of every year. Cindy, I thank God for giving you this vision of the Daniel Fast. Almighty God I pray that you cause a breakthrough in my life, create a new spirit in me, renew my soul, hold my hand and lift me high, rebuild me, let me look new in your presence, I and my family shall glorify your Holy name. The theme for the 10th annual fast was Miracles in the Making, based upon Psalm 77:14: You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.. I cant wait to see what else he is going to do.. I was tempted and a little discouraged, but thanks to one of your articles in about not getting discouraged, and instead, to finish the race. Throughout these 21 days of prayer, my cell group and I have been praying and fasting for my dads salvation. So, I started asking for clarity, and it came to me that I was idolizing food and therefore God was not pleased with my sacrifice. We plead with you.please don't make such a tragic mistake. Lord, I know that I don't have the answer and my strength comes from you. I feel God protected her from much worse injuries, possibly death even and spared her dog, which she loves dearly. And another 21 day fast when the spirit leads me into one. I have the original book and plan to begin February 1st. During the 21-day fast, we saw the Lord move in mighty ways. Prayer can move mountains. Your heart and mind needs to be made up to do it. It was about seeking deliverance from generational curses. Im very alert in the spirit, I knew that the Lord needed more of me and I gave him all of me. That we would spend the majority of our time, energy, resources and breath seeking, abiding and worshipping Jesus. My spirit man feels light and though Ive lost weight, it feel really heathy! You fast from all foods from 6am-6pm each day with fluids allowed. Glory to God, I am not the same! (Acts 16 :31). What a way to start a year! Londie, I have felt a smothering weight since the pandemic began and then my father died in the fall (not COVID), but COVID protocols made us postpone his celebration until sometime this summer. Right away, I came upon your website. God has confirmed some things even through some of the scripture that was in this blog! I didnt choose that title but it came on. I started to eat of your website which caused me to hunger more and more after the heart of God. Well the Lord was with me through it alland not only did I succeed through HIM alone, but HE blessed me through it all. It must be the Lord. Her name is Stephanie. Know that at the end of every fast is a blessing (whether breakthrough, deliverance, financial, increase in knowledge, wisdom OR spiritual gifting). I lost my spouse of 34 years in 2012 and 9 months after this devastating experience, I was approached by my senior pastors to consider being ordained assenior pastor as they were moving country and they were getting my name for the position of fulfilling that role in the church. If anything on this website has blessed or encouraged you, please let us know at: Deliverance From New Age - Occult - Cults - Legalism, Depression - Fear - Anxiety - Worry - Low Self Esteem, etc, SUMMER 2022 - PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES MINISTRY UPDATE. I enjoy reading them. Although you do cite other sources of info, the manner in which you put it together with scripture, insight and exhortation is truly wonderful. The first days [were] so hard and I NEVER thought I could do it I first didnt felt the benefits that were promised, but after the days progressed I felt more and more in love with the Word of God.