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All rights reserved. If you combined Riverside and San Bernadino, youd get a city that's somewhere in the middle.. The report tallied 50 . Isolated by long distances and difficult terrain, those residents must report crimes and wait for Alaska State Troopers to arrive in the village after hours of traveling. Try the Morning Bell and get the days most important news and commentary from a team committed to the truth in formats that respect your timeand your intelligence. Every day, people complain of burglars, people breaking into their homes, smugglers coming through their properties and damaging their properties, and of immigrant related assaults. Stockton, California: Popularly known for a high property crime rate, 13. Memphis, TN, is one of those cities you might not want to set your foot in if you value your life. New Mexico may feature second in this list, but it is one of only two states that has seen an annual drop in its violent crime rate and has seen the greatest improvement of the ten states, with 6.5% fewer reported crimes. Due to the lack of gun regulation, the death toll from firearms far outweighs that from homicide. Our analysis shows the NYC crime increasing by 7%, lower than the national average from 2019 to 2020. Population: 731,158Rank Last Year: 6 (No Change)Violent Crime Per Capita: $837 (First worst)Property Crime Per Capita: $2,260 (13th worst)More On Alaska: Photos | Rent. Violent crime rates in the US have dropped over the past 30 years or more. Transformative Travel: I look at how travel can change lives. And dont even think about heading out into the swampy areas after the sun sets either. Companies displayed may pay us to be Authorized or when you click a link, call a number or fill a form on our site. Cook County, Illinois, State's Attorney Kim Foxx "There were 2,554 homicides in those 30 cities through June 2022. Thinking about my own travel preferences, safety seems to be more of a minimum bar to pass [or a] disqualifier rather than providing a reason to visit a place (nobodys primary reason to visit Rome is because its safe). RoadSnacks is reader-supported. Jackson, Mississippi, the second most dangerous city in America. Residential fires, drownings, firearms and safety for vulnerable road users are areas where South Carolina is off track, too. Population: 6,886,834Rank Last Year: 5 (No Change)Violent Crime Per Capita: $672 (Third worst)Property Crime Per Capita: $2,492 (Tenth worst)More On Tennessee: Photos | Rent. It is typically expressed in units of incidents per 100,000 individuals per year; thus, a violent crime rate of 300 (per 100,000 inhabitants) in a population of 100,000 would mean 300 incidents of violent crime per year in that entire population, or 0.3% out of the total. Yes. Copyright 2023 Consumers Unified LLC. MoneyGeek also ranked the safest cities in America with populations over 100,000. In short, LR has a high aggravated assault rate, as it is nearly five times the national rate. When you click through real estate links on our site, we earn an affiliate commission.