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Neurosci. Cool EF are those exhibited in decontextualized and affectively neutral conditions (Pesce et al., 2020), such as working memory, inhibition, and strategy use, while hot EF involve cognitive and emotional control in contexts that generate heightened emotion (Pesce et al., 2020), such as playing a game and making decisions in an emotionally charged environment. Again, given the small sample size, results should be interpreted with caution. Cardio vs. (2007). Physical activity can also improve sexual performance and sexual pleasure while increasing the frequency of sexual activity (56, 58). (2005). It accompanies the songs and dances that so beautifully expresses our cultures, our traditions, and our emotions. Demographic characteristics of participants in each program. Results from the mixed-plot ANOVAs showed no significant main or interactive effects on Attention and Behavioral Control. J. Educ. Define Rhythmic Activities B. Ann. 8 Weight-Free Exercises to Tone Your Arms, maintaining body functions, like your heartbeat and breathing. It can also increase pain tolerance. The inclusion of music is a strategy commonly used to facilitate positive affective responses during exercise even when the intensity is vigorous (Deforche and De Bourdeaudhuij, 2015; Vazou et al., 2019a), and results from this study extend prior findings by illustrating childrens enjoyment of physical activities performed to music. Identifying factors that could potentially mutually help EF and literacy skills is particularly important considering the high percentage (517%) of schoolchildren who do not become fluent readers, even with explicit instruction (Shaywitz, 1998). This research on music and education supports the hypothesis that music could be an important contextual factor to include in PA interventions in order to synergistically improve executive functions and academic outcomes. Deriving satisfaction from a PA program and experiencing positive affect has been proposed to be associated with higher levels of engagement and self-regulatory skills (Isen and Reeve, 2005; Diamond, 2015; Brand and Ekkekakis, 2018).